Benefits of Solar for your home
- Save Money
- Sell unused electricity back to the grid
- 10-12 year payback
- Increase house value
A Solar Panel Installation not only saves you money but can increase the value of your house. A recent study found that a solar panel installation on your property could increase the sale price between 4 and 14%.
Not only can a solar installation save you money, it will reduce your carbon footprint. On average, every solar panel we install saves nearly 1 tonne of CO2 per year -That is the equivalent of driving 2500 miles in a petrol powered car!
Should I get Battery Storage?
Let's Look at the Facts.
A Solar Lithium-Ion battery lasts between 5-15 years (10 years average) while the lifespan of a solar panel is 25 Years. With a solar battery costing £5K, you would need at least 2 during the lifespan of your solar panels.
The average saving from having Battery Storage is 26% of you electricity bill, so in most cases its not worth it.
So when is it worth having a battery installed?
In some cases it may be worth it to install a solar battery and as the price of solar lithium ion batteries fall and electricity prices get higher, it may be worth in future.
The majority of salor installations do not require planning permission.
We aim to complete most solar panel installations in 1 day.
For example, an average-sized home with a 4kW solar panel system will spend approximately £6,000 – £8,500 on the system. You can expect to save between £215 - £565 on electricity bills annually + the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)